Connecticut CRI Data for Shelton

What's New

See our draft Scenic Resources Inventory. Please direct any comments to Conservation Agent Teresa Gallagher, 924-1555 x1315.

We'll be working on historic resources next.

Community Resources Inventory - Home

The Conservation Commission and its CRI subcommittee are compiling an inventory of Shelton's resources, such as historic sites and scenic features, which can be used to plan for open space acquisition as well as proper management of existing open spaces. The information will be added to the City's GIS mapping system.  The inventory is not limited to open space relevance, however, but may be used by residents who would like to learn more about their community.

As of January 2009, the CRI Subcommittee has prepared a draft inventory of scenic resources.  These resources were selected first because the 2006 Plan of Conservation and Development called for the Conservation Commission to conduct a Scenic Resources Inventory. We plan on compiling an inventory of historic features next.  Note that the location of some historic sites may be withheld to protect those sites from treasure-seekers.

How CRI Data Can Be Used:

Management of existing open space: Imagine the City needs to construct a new ball field and has three potential sites selected on City open space.   By referencing our GIS system, we might discover that one of the proposed sites has a Native American site on it that should be preserved, and it would be better to select one of the other two sites.

Acquisition of new open space:  Imagine the Conservation Commission is approached by a landowner who wishes to sell their property to the City.   The Commission notes that the property is not located with one of our conceptual greenways, so a potential purchase is less likely. However, the Commission then checks the CRI data and finds the property is home to an endangered species, a scenic waterfall that many people in the neighborhood have visited for years, and historic colonial ruins.  The Commission might recommend a purchase based on this information.

Learning about Shelton:  Residents can learn about their town by checking the CRI webpages.  For example, people who have visited Riverview Park for years are often surprised to learn there is an historic Constitution Oak there.